When Sterling stopped breathing nearly four years ago, my oldest two boys were at school. My younger two boys were at home. While I was in the ER, standing, wondering what in the world just happened, my cell phone rang. It was the older boy's school. School had let out and they were wondering who would be picking up my boys today. I started to try to tell them, but my words couldn't come out very well throughout the tears. I believe my sister got on the phone for me. That was a Thursday. By Monday Sterling was dead. And I had to keep the Bubba's routine, I now know I needed it more then they did.
The boys' schools were both wonderful. So many offered to help with money, with time, with an ear to listen to me as I tried to make sense of the horror of what just happened. A few teachers and the principal of the bigger boy's school came to my home to sit with my autistic son so I could focus on the visitation. The bigger boy's school even had a teacher dress up as Santa and deliver presents for all of my boys. The little boys' preschool let my younger one stay a few extra times so I could talk with the pastor and make funeral arrangements. All above and beyond anything I expected from anyone.
With time, all the support dwindled. While some still would give us a surprise gift letting us know they remembered, most of the support became something I felt I needed to fight for my kids. I will advocate for them always, but it gets exhausting. Our family will never be the same. We are different now. Not better or worse, just different.
This school year my oldest two boys now go to different schools and my littles are now at the school the bigs were at. In fact my now 8 year old has some of the very teachers his big brothers had when Sterling died. They take their time with him and treat him like every other kid. They encourage him. The other day he felt so comfortable with them, he invited them to his basketball game. Guess what? They came! Totally making his day.
Sometimes our teachers don't get treated fairly. People think of them in a certain way. I don't always agree with the things that go on in my kids' school and I have no issue advocating for what is best for my kiddos. But I believe our teachers care. I have seen them go above and beyond time and time again. I know our family will never forget the kindness shown to us. My children are better students ( and people) when they know their teachers care about them. Thank you to the teachers who care about my children. Thank you.
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