Wednesday, October 24, 2012


     Last year I shopped black Friday online. I cleaned up after Thanksgiving dinner, put the bigger boys to bed and with Sterling in my arms began my search for deals. Its a memory I love. He was so heavy as I tried to type but each time I would lay him down he would wake up crying out for me. I, being completely wrapped around his little finger, hated seeing or hearing him upset so I would pick him up and continue on. I was so proud of all the great deals I got that night.

     Sterling stopped breathing less than a week later. I was numb. I was in shock. I thought at any moment I would wake up from this nightmare and Sterling would be here in my arms again. Yet each day there was something I needed to do. I had to find a funeral home. I had to make arrangements. I had to decide things that no parent ever thinks about. I had to make these decisions while feeling completely and utterly gutted. Yes, I felt like someone took a knife and just gutted me like a fish. I felt raw, it was in the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life. And my words are not even describing it well enough.

     Then the boxes started coming. The boxes full of presents for my boys. I remember opening each box and pulling out all the clothes and toys that I had bought for Sterling. Each item I had envisioned seeing Sterling wearing or playing with. Now they were reminders that Sterling was gone. I had even bought each boy a coordinating sweater for family pictures. Now those would be the outfits that they would wear for Sterling's visitation and memorial. There would be no pictures taken at either one. I wish now I had, but that's another post.

     I quickly put all Sterling's Christmas presents in a closet. Out of sight. People had suggested last year that I find a child his age in need and donate them. Someone even asked if  I wanted them to return the items to the store for me. Both options completely freaked me out. Even though Sterling never wore or played with any of it, I had bought all of it for him.

    This year I think the boys and I are going to find someone special to give the toys to. I bought them  to bring a smile to Sterling's face, to my face. Instead when I look at them they are a reminder that he is no longer here the way I want him to be. Who knows, I may even find some things that I think a two year old Sterling would love and give them to another two year boy in need. Maybe this year Sterling will bring joy to a few children? Maybe in doing so his brothers and I will find a little too?


  1. That is exactly what we have decided to do too. We are going to pick a few boys around Levi's age and buy them Christmas this year. It is important that since we can't give something to Levi to see his physical smile then we can give to another family. They will smile when they get them and our heart will smile knowing that is what Levi would have wanted us to do. I recently found a letter that was never mailed to Santa last year from Levi with his sister's handwriting that said he wanted trucks, trains and a batman cave which is what he got last year but after we found that just last week I said that was a sign from Levi saying we need to give those toys to another little boy.


  2. I just watched Levi's videos again. He is such a sweet soul. I have no doubt he somehow led you to that letter knowing what you would do with it. Such a little blessing. Such a beautiful soul. I hope he and Sterling have met. I know Sterling would love him.
